Our next adventure took place one evening.
Seeing as it was a nice evening and we did not have much to do we decided to go out and find a couple of caches that had managed to escape us in the past. The first that we headed for we had tried several times before and for one reason or another we had never been able to hunt it down, muggles, weather or some other thing getting in our way.
The cache was part of a series and this part was a puzzle cache, although we do not normally do puzzle caches this one was different as it is part of the series and the puzzle gets solved as you do the other parts, so a kind of multicache puzzle cache combo.
Here we was again back at the final location, would we this time bring and end to this most tricky of caches.
Arriving at the location we were once again faced with muggles, but they seemed to be preoccupied with their own activities, so the hunt was on.
Hunting high and low, ducking muggles and pretending we was taking photos of the scenery, we searched and searched, searching the same places several times over, when at long last the cry went up "FOUND IT", yes the cache had at last been hunted to it's hiding place and trapped.
Finally the cache is caught
So who was the lucky finder?
Yes Mrs Geocacher found it
Yes yes we get it, you found it clever girl, and not a berry in sight yet
The other caches that evening went the same way, although Mr Geocacher had his share of finds, this was the most pleasing having been such a tricky find.
Now we are gearing up for the rest of the summer, and Geocache command center is ready.
Hope you stayed awake through this rather long update, I will try and keep more up to date from here on in.