Friday, August 21, 2009

Nice Weather for Caching

Sorry it has been a little while since I last posted, but the weather has been so nice, and we have both been so busy at work, that there has not been much time left for me to update you all.

So as I said the weather has been really good, so we decided to take a trip to Pori, in the west of Finland. We had a lovely day out, although the town was far too busy for us to get any caching done there, we did go out of the town to Yyteri (pronounced oo-ter-ee). Yyteri has a proper sandy beach, and we soon found out that there is a cache located on the beach, so of course we could not resist this challenge, and was rewarded with a beach hunt success. Sorry to say that we do not have any pictures that we could post of us at the beach, so enjoy the ones of us in Pori.

Mrs GeoCacher with a balloon mouse (yes it is suppose to be a mouse not a poodle).

There is a saying that goes something like "visit Pori and be dragged through the square in a basket". Well we found the square and the basket, but could not find anyone to drag Mrs Geocacher around.

We have also been to visit GeoCaching Mummy, although this time she did not come caching with us as there was not enough time.
We set out a cache route on the way there, and then another for the journey home.
This turned out very successful and bagged us many caches.

Yes this is a Wellington boot hanging upside down hiding a cache.

The building on the right of the picture houses a church boat (and somewhere hidden is a cache), there are many of these boats around Finland. No the boat is not a church, it was owned and used by the villagers to go to the church, and is rowed by a team of locals.

Do I need to comment?

(Ok if I have to comment) Just some lovely shots of the stream next to the church boat.

This is not near the church boat, but was still on the journey home. This rather erm safe? pier is still in use.

Then one evening we thought we would try our hand at finding a cache we had tried finding three times before.
So setting out on our fourth attempt we really did not know if we would indeed find it this time.

Well we still do not know how it happened, but this time we struck lucky and found the cache in a location we could swear we had searched several times already, but this time we found it within ten minutes of arriving at the cache site.

The cache that managed to hide from us so well. This was the second Nano-Cache we have found.

Well that is it for this instalment, there is more to come.
What? you want an example?
Ok then how about this?
Coming in the next action packed episode we hide our first cache, we find another sneaky cache trying to use camouflage, and we book a trip to England (English caches be afraid, be very afraid)

Ok, can I go now? Well tough because I am, so until next time, stay lucky.


  1. "yes it is suppose to be a mouse not a poodle"

    looks like a balloon bong

    and lovely pics, especially like the stream pic.

  2. Yes that was a very pretty area.

  3. i also like the pic just before it, the one you felt there was no need for comment.

  4. sorry for 'hijacking' but i deleted some shit from my bog, but i have started it over no more deleting, since now i'm hoping i have real content and not just me posting my drunken online experiences. again sorry for 'hijackin'

  5. Thats ok, just mind the swearing please as kids do read my off to catch up on your blog :)
