Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Our First, First to Find :)

First of all Mr Geocacher had to go into town to leave some forms at an office.
After this was done we decided to go and take a look at a cache we had searched twice before with no success, even though we did not have any of our caching equipment with us.
We knew where the cache should be and thought a quick search late in the evening might be in order.
We arrived and parked our car and walked to the location, the hunt was on.
searching through the undergrowth, Mr Geocacher caught sight of something from the corner of his eye, so circling carefully around he moved in on the cache, and this time we had complete success, the cache was in the bag.

After that we went home to relax for the rest of the evening, or so we thought.

Once home we thought we would review some of the mystery and multi-caches in the area, and see if we could work any of them out, well time moved on and it was approaching bedtime, Mr Geocacher decided that he would just have a last look at the recently published caches.
There on the list was a new cache, only published 15 min's before and about 8km's (5miles) away.
At first Mrs Geocacher did not believe Mr Geocacher, and came to view his screen, realising it was real, the race was on.
Mr Geocacher has never seen Mrs Geocacher get ready and leave so fast, we collected up the navigator and a couple of torches and left, running to the car (again Mr Geocacher was surprised because Mrs Geocacher was running to the car, yet another first).
We arrived at the location and was in luck, it seemed that no other cache hunters were around.
Soon locating the coordinate location it was just a case of finding the actual cache, at the same time hoping that no others arrived in search of the rare FTF (First To Find) honour, after all this does only happen once in any caches lifetime.
After a few minutes of searching and head scratching we found our prize, and was very pleased to log our very first FTF, the time was exactly 00:00, what better way to end the night and start the next day.